
Reason for recommending: Great find! I asked the taxi driver to take me somewhere with good food, beer and Wi-Fi and we ended up here. Very cool place, it has a 'fare trade' arts shop in the compound, a hotel (I didn't look but I imagine it complements the very relaxed, friendly and welcoming style of the shop and restaurant). The food was incredible, great menu and great vibe in the bar / restaurant and the view over Kigali is fantastic. What impressed the most were the staff. All (from the security guard to the car staff) were friendly, professional and good fun. I was kind-of zoned into a mass of emails but could hear the bar team giving travel and food advice to travelers behind me; I got great beer and food recommendations. I'll definitely head back here when I next venture to Kigali, you should probably do the same.

Submitted by: Matt
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